Publications & Research
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- Journals and Special Issues
For the latest updates on my research, publications, and citations, please visit my Google Scholar profile.
Journal and Conference Papers
Xintong Shi, Wenzhi Cao, and Sebastian Raschka Deep Neural Networks for Rank-Consistent Ordinal Regression Based On Conditional Probabilities Pattern Analysis and Applications, Springer, 1433-755X [Journal Paper] [ArXiv Preprint] [PyTorch Implementation] [Experiment code]
Jiaxing Chen, Leslie A. Kuhn, and Sebastian Raschka Techniques for Developing Reliable Machine Learning Classifiers Applied to Understanding and Predicting Protein:Protein Interaction Hot Spots (Accepted for publication in Computational Drug Discovery and Design, Springer Methods in Molecular Biology series) [Bioarxiv Preprint] [GitHub Repo]
Zhongjie Yu, Gaoang Wang, Lin Chen, Sebastian Raschka, Jiebo Luo When Few-Shot Learning Meets Video Object Detection ICPR 2022 [ArXiv Preprint] [BibTex]
BD Lee, A Gitter, CS Greene, S Raschka, F Maguire, AJ Titus, MD Kessler, AJ Lee, MG Chevrette, PA Stewart, T Britto-Borges, EM Cofer, K-H Yu, JJ Carmona, EJ Fertig, AA Kalinin, B Signal, TJ Triche, Jr., SM Boca (2022). PLOS Computational Biology Ten Quick Tips for Deep Learning in Biology [Journal Link] [ArXiv Preprint] [GitHub Repo]
Kaiping Chen, Sang Jung Kim, Qiantong Gao, Sebastian Raschka (2022) Visual Framing of Science Conspiracy Videos: Integrating Machine Learning with Communication Theories to Study the Use of Color and Brightness Computational Communication Research, 4(1) [Journal Link] [ArXiv Preprint] [GitHub Repo]
- Sebastian Raschka (2021) Deeper Learning By Doing: Integrating Hands-On Research Projects Into A Machine Learning Course Teaching Machine Learning Workshop, ECML 2021 [Conference Paper] [ArXiv Preprint] [Supplementary Material and Code]
Wenzhi Cao, Vahid Mirjalili, and Sebastian Raschka (2020) Rank Consistent Ordinal Regression for Neural Networks with Application to Age Estimation Pattern Recognition Letters. 140, 325-331 [Journal Paper] [ArXiv Preprint] [PDF (mirror)] [BibTex] [PyTorch Code Used in Paper] [PyTorch Package] [Keras Port]
Vahid Mirjalili, Sebastian Raschka, and Arun Ross (2020) PrivacyNet: Semi-Adversarial Networks for Multi-attribute Face Privacy IEEE Transactions in Image Processing. Vol. 29, pp. 9400-9412, 2020. 10.1109/TIP.2020.3024026 [Journal Paper] [ArXiv Preprint] [BibTex] [PDF (mirror)]
Sebastian Raschka and Benjamin Kaufman (2020) Machine Learning and AI-based Approaches for Bioactive Ligand Discovery and GPCR-ligand Recognition Elsevier Methods, 180, 89–110 [Journal Paper] [ArXiv Preprint] [BibTex] [PDF (mirror)]
Zhongjie Yu and Sebastian Raschka (2020) Looking Back to Lower-level Information in Few-shot Learning Information 2020, 11, 7 [Journal Paper] [ArXiv Preprint] [BibTex] [PDF (mirror)]
Sebastian Raschka, Joshua Patterson, and Corey Nolet (2020) Machine Learning in Python: Main Developments and Technology Trends in Data Science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence Information 2020, 11, 4 [Journal Paper] [ArXiv Preprint] [BibTex] [PDF (mirror)]
Joe Bemister-Buffington, Alex J. Wolf, Sebastian Raschka, and Leslie A. Kuhn (2020) Machine Learning to Identify Flexibility Signatures of Class A GPCR Inhibition Biomolecules 2020, 10, 454. [Journal Paper] [BioarXiv Preprint] [BibTex] [PDF (mirror)]
Vahid Mirjalili, Sebastian Raschka, and Arun Ross (2019) FlowSAN: Privacy-enhancing Semi-Adversarial Networks to Confound Arbitrary Face-based Gender Classifiers IEEE Access 2019, 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2924619 [Journal Paper] [ArXiv Preprint] [BibTex] [PDF (mirror)]
Sebastian Raschka (2019) Machine Learning-assisted Discovery of GPCR Bioactive Ligands Current Opinion in Structural Biology 2019, 55:17–24 [Journal Paper] [ArXiv Preprint] [BibTex] [PDF (mirror)]
Vahid Mirjalili, Sebastian Raschka, and Arun Ross (2018) Gender Privacy: An Ensemble of Semi Adversarial Networks for Confounding Arbitrary Gender Classifiers. 9th IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems (BTAS 2018) [PDF] [ArXiV Preprint] [BibTex] [PDF (mirror)]
Sebastian Raschka, Shyam K. More, Dinesh Devadoss, Bixi Zeng, Leslie Kuhn, and Marc D. Basson (2018). Identification of potential small-molecule protein-protein inhibitors of cancer metastasis by 3D epitope-based computational screening. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 69, 2. [NIH Link] [Journal Paper] [BibTex] [PDF (mirror)]
Sebastian Raschka (2018) MLxtend: Providing Machine Learning and Data Science Utilities and Extensions to Python’s Scientific Computing Stack. The Journal of Open Source Software 3.24. [JOSS Link] [Code] [BibTex] [PDF (mirror)]
Vahid Mirjalili, Sebastian Raschka, Anoop Namboodiri, and Arun Ross (2018) Semi-adversarial Networks: Convolutional Autoencoders for Imparting Privacy to Face Images. Proc. of 11th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics (ICB 2018), Gold Coast, Australia. (Best Paper Award) [IEEE Link] [ArXiV Preprint] [Code] [BibTex] [Project Summary] [PDF (mirror)]
Sebastian Raschka, Alex Wolf, and Leslie A. Kuhn (2018) Protein-ligand Interfaces are Polarized: Discovery of a Strong Trend for Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonds to Favor Donors on the Protein Side with Implications for Predicting and Designing Ligand Complexes. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, 32(4), 511-528. [Springer Link] [Springer PDF] [BioRxiv Preprint] [Code] [BibTex] [PDF (mirror)]
Sebastian Raschka, Nan Liu, Santosh Gunturu, Anne M. Scott, Mar Huertas, Weiming Li, and Leslie A. Kuhn (2018) Facilitating the Hypothesis-driven Prioritization of Small Molecules in Large Databases: Screenlamp and its Application to GPCR Inhibitor Discovery. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, 32(3), 415-433. [Springer Link] [Springer PDF] [BioRxiv Preprint] [Code] [BibTex] [PDF (mirror)]
- Sebastian Raschka (2017) BioPandas: Working with Molecular Structures in Pandas DataFrames. The Journal of Open Source Software 2.14. [JOSS Link] [Code] [BibTex] [PDF (mirror)]
- Sebastian Raschka, Joseph Bemister-Buffington, and Leslie A. Kuhn (2016) Detecting the Native Ligand Orientation by Interfacial Rigidity: SiteInterlock. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics 84.12: 1888-1901. [Wiley Link] [Wiley PDF] [Code] [BibTex] [PDF (mirror)]
Sebastian Raschka. Build a Large Language Model (From Scratch). Shelter Island, NY: Manning Publications, 2024. ISBN: 978-1633437166 [Amazon Link] [Code] [BibTex]
Sebastian Raschka. Machine Learning Q and AI. San Francisco, CA: No Starch Press, 2024. ISBN: 978-1718503762 [Amazon Link] [Code] [BibTex]
Sebastian Raschka, Yuxi (Hayden) Liu, Vahid Mirjalili. Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing, 2022. ISBN: 978-1801819312 [Amazon Link] [Code] [BibTex]
Sebastian Raschka, Vahid Mirjalili. Python Machine Learning. 3rd Edition. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing, 2019. ISBN: 978-1789955750 [Amazon Link] [Code] [BibTex]
Sebastian Raschka, Vahid Mirjalili. Python Machine Learning. 2nd Edition. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing, 2017. ISBN: 978-3958457331 [Amazon Link] [Code] [BibTex]
Sebastian Raschka, David Julian, and John Hearty. Python: Deeper Insights into Machine Learning. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing, 2016. ASIN: B01LD8K994 [Packt Link]
Sebastian Raschka. Python Machine Learning. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing, 2015. ISBN: 978-1783555130. (Amazon bestseller in Data Mining 2015 & 2016, Packt bestselling title 2015 & 2016, more than; ACM Computing Reviews’ Notable Computing Books and Articles of 2016); translated into 7 different languages [Amazon Link] [Code] [BibTex]
Sebastian Raschka. Heat Maps in R: How-To. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing, 2013. ISBN: 978-1782165644 [Amazon Link] [BibTex]
Additional information and supporting materials are available on book page of my personal website
Translations of My Books into Other Languages
- My books have been translated into more than 9 different languages. You can find a list here.
Book Chapters
Jiaxing Chen, Leslie A. Kuhn, and Sebastian Raschka (2023) Computational Drug Discovery and Design: Techniques for Developing Reliable Machine Learning Classifiers Applied to Understanding and Predicting Protein:Protein Interaction Hot Spots. Springer. ISBN 978-1-0716-3440-0 [Springer Link] [Code] [Bioarxiv preprint]
Sebastian Raschka, Leslie A. Kuhn, Anne M. Scott, and Weiming Li (2018) Computational Drug Discovery and Design: Automated Inference of Chemical Group Discriminants of Biological Activity from Virtual Screening Data. Springer. ISBN: 978-1-4939-7755-0 [Springer Link] [Code] [BibTex]
Mike Driscoll (ed.) (2018). Python Interviews: Discussions with prolific programmers. Packt Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-7883-9908-1 [Amazon Link]
Technical Reports
Sebastian Raschka (2018). Model Evaluation, Model Selection, and Algorithm Selection in Machine Learning. [Link]
Sebastian Raschka (2014). MusicMood: Predicting the mood of music from song lyrics using machine learning. arXiv:1611.00138. [Link]
Sebastian Raschka (2014). Naive Bayes and Text Classification I-Introduction and Theory. arXiv:1410.5329. [Link]
- M.D. Basson, L.A. Kuhn, S. Raschka, “Inhibiting FAK-AKT Interaction to Inhibit Metastasis,” US patent application. Appl. No.: PCT/US2018/042919; Pub. No.: WO/2019/018666,
Journals and Special Issues
- “Machine Learning with Python,” a special issue of Information (ISSN 2078-2489). This special issue belongs to the section “Artificial Intelligence”. (Guest Editor)