Blog and Notes Archive

My blog and notes archive.

Research & Publications

My publications archive.


My online and university course archive.

Resource Archive

You can find a list of old and archived resources below. These are no longer updated or maintained but may still be useful.

Selected Open Source Software

Selected open source projects and other software.

For my latest open source projects, please see my GitHub page.

Machine Learning FAQ

My answers to commonly asked machine learning, data mining, and data science questions.

Mathematics for Machine Learning

A collection of math resources that may be helpful for learning machine learning.

Deep Learning Model Zoo

A collection of standalone TensorFlow and PyTorch models in Jupyter Notebooks.

Machine Learning and Data Science Notebooks

Tutorials, examples, collections, and everything else that falls into the categories: pattern classification, machine learning, and data mining.

Python Notebooks

A collection of useful scripts, tutorials, and other Python-related things.

R Notes

Useful notes and tutorials for R (the statistical programming environment).