Build A Large Language Model (From Scratch)

⌨️ YouTube Playlist ⌨️

Deep Learning Fundamentals – Learning Deep Learning With a Modern Open Source Stack

💻 Course Website 💻

  • A modern class consisting of 10 units with bite-sized videos
  • It is more concise than my university class but also covers additional topics: multi-GPU training, self-supervised learning, setting up effective hyperparameter sweeps, learning rate scheduling, and many more
  • Code examples are in PyTorch; some units use the Lightning Trainer for extra functionality

Introduction to Deep Learning

📚 Course Website 📚

  • Video recordings of an introductory deep learning course
  • Code examples are in PyTorch

Introduction to Machine Learning

📖 Course Website 📖

  • Video recordings of an introductory machine learning course
  • Code examples are in scikit-learn and MLxtend

Lightning Bits: Engineering for Researchers

⚡️ Course Website ⚡️

  • A series of short videos with William Falcon teaching to become more productive in your machine learning and AI research
  • Covering fundamental tools like IDEs, Git, the terminal, and more

Courses taught at UW-Madison

Below is a list of courses I taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison as former professor in the Department of Statistics.

Fall 2021

Spring 2021

Fall 2020

Spring 2020

Fall 2019

Spring 2019

Fall 2018