While all three concepts, embedding vectors, vectors in latent space, and representations, are often used synonymously, we can make slight distinctions:

  • representations are encoded versions of the original input;
  • latent vectors are intermediate representations;
  • embedding vectors are representations where similar items are close to each other.


Embedding vectors, or embeddings for short, encode relatively high-dimensional data into relatively low-dimensional vectors.

We can apply embedding methods to create a dense vector from a one-hot encoding. However, we can also use embedding methods for dense data such as images.

Taking it to the extreme, embedding methods can be used to encode data into two-dimensional dense and continuous representations for visualization purposes and clustering analysis.

A fundamental property of embeddings is that they encode distance or similarity. This means that embeddings capture the semantics of the data such that similar inputs are close in the embeddings space.

Latent space

Latent space is typically used synonymously with embedding space – the space into which embedding vectors are mapped.

Similar items can appear close in the latent space; however, this is not a strict requirement. More loosely, we can think of the latent space as any feature space that contains the features, often a compressed version of the original input features. These latent space features can be learned by a neural network, for example, an autoencoder that reconstructs input images, as shown in the figure below.


We used the term representation above. A representation is an encoded, typically intermediate form of an input. For instance, an embedding vector or vector in the latent space is a representation of the input. However, representations can also be produced by simpler procedures. For example, one-hot encoded vectors are considered representations of an input.

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